Hey- Can someone out there stop me when I begin to blog slightly off the mark items? My tag on blog was just to illustrate that there are better times to come ahead- Including Spring.
Many of my "snow bird" friends and family are coming home this week from Florida! It will be so great to connect with them.
The potential buyer is coming for the third time to look at our house tomorrow afternoon. I hope I can stay awake and away from the house until they are done looking at it. The Florida house I love, now includes a Ford Explorer for $4,000. They must be desperate. I will try to link that picture to this blog so I can show family and friends.
Pray for money and good circumstances for this gentleman.
Have a good Sunday- Think a big, 'ole, fresh, Asparagus quiche is in order.
Think I'll just pray for you in general. :o) Feel free to blog about random things... I think it's healthy. I'm out here and I'm reading...
Thanks... that's good to know!
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