Friday, August 5, 2005

Random Thoughts about My First Week of August 2005

1a) I always say "rabbit" on the first day of every month. I try to say it alot actually, "they" say it is good luck.

1b) Apparently, not a good day for the fresh road-kill mommy bunny I saw taking a pavement nap in front of our house the same day. Perhaps she was an abbusive parent and the baby bunnies are the lucky ones. I doubt it. 

2a) It is the appropriate thing to do (I keep telling myself.)

2b) It really is not that easy to feed the new pet baby bunnies with an eyedropper. I don't care what the vet told you! Hey, they have teeth too!

3a) Good day to trim hedges. Found the trimmer and extension cords that reach from recepticle to shrub!!

3b) Why does it seem that the trimmer blades are really dull until... they hit the power cord??           WHY?!

4a) While trimming, I see something in the bushes...

4b) For God sakes, how many baby bunnies are there in the standard litter?


See ya, I have to go heat the milk!!

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